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Commissions & Fan Art


​​I take commissions for anything from pencil sketches to sculptures.

These are commission  pieces that I have done over the years that have made some happy clients. I have incorporated several different images and requests in to each of these pieces.


Some of the pieces  in this album are unfinished out of respect for my clients.

Fan Art​

I have had a great deal of respect for the creativity of others, and feel the need to pay a tribute to them.

Much of my work has been inspired by books, games and shows. 

Tattoos & Line work â€‹â€‹Commissions

These are tattoos, tattoo designs and line work commissions I have done over the years.  The tattoos were done during a short apprenticeship I took, but I have done very few tattoos since.

I am always happy to create or enhance a tattoo design, or any other kind of line work design for my clients. I only need references and input to produce the desired outcome.

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